Book Club Schedule
Zonta Book Club 2019/2020

Contact Judy Brisson if  you would like to join this group.


Book/ Activity Meeting Date Location Champion
Activity/ Movie Sept 4
The Mother in Law, Sally Hepworth Oct 2  Dorienne
Activity/ Movie Nov 6
Women in the Castle, Jessica Shattuck Dec 4
Activity/ Movie Jan 2  The Bookshelf
Forgiveness: A Gift From My Grandparents Feb 5 Christy
Activity/ Movie Mar 4
Flint and Feather: The Life and Times of E. Pauline Johnson, Tekahionwake, Charlotte Gray April 1
Activity/ Movie May 6
The Nature Of The Beast, Louise Penny June 3

Every “Movie” meeting we will watch the Book Shelf movie unless we think it will be awful, then we will pick a Galaxy movie instead to watch. On movie dates the next book set will be available ready for pick up and we will discuss that book at the “Book” meeting.
Conflicts/ Changes KW Zonta film festival is Nov 6 to 9 this year, they don’t have film titles up on the website yet. Do we want to do Nov 6 movie there or do the weekend films? Jan 1 is our Book date, suggest changing to Jan 2 June 3 will be day before Zonta Golf, change to ???

The Mother-in-Law, Sally Hepworth: From the moment Lucy met her husband’s mother, she knew she wasn’t the wife Diana had envisioned for her perfect son. And as a pillar in the community, an advocate for female refugees, and a woman happily married for decades, no one had a bad word to say about Diana…except Lucy. Now, Diana is dead, a suicide note found near her body claiming that she no longer wanted to live because of the cancer wreaking havoc inside her body. But the autopsy finds no cancer. It does find traces of poison, and evidence of suffocation. Who could possibly want Diana dead? Why was her will changed at the eleventh hour to disinherit both of her children, and their spouses? And what does it mean that Lucy isn’t exactly sad she’s gone?
The Women in the Castle, Jessica Shattuck: Marianne is the widow of a Resistance leader whose failed attempt to kill the Führer leads her, as an act of personal atonement, to shelter the wives and children of his fellow conspirators within the walls of her family’s Bavarian castle. Benita, one of those widows, reluctantly joins this refuge, silently suffering from her war experience until a new love interest ignites tension between her and Marianne. Their rift is amplified by the presence of Ania, the third widow in the castle, whose secrets unravel as she tries to remarry and protect her children. The story line continues through multiple decades, until a reunion forces the three women to reconcile their past behavior toward one another.
Forgiveness, A Gift from my Grandparents, Mark Sakamoto: When the Second World War broke out, Ralph MacLean, from the Magdalen Islands in eastern Canada, volunteers to serve his country overseas. Meanwhile, in Vancouver, Mitsue Sakamoto sees her family and her stable community torn apart after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. Ralph was captured by the Japanese army and spent the war in prison camps, enduring pestilence, beatings, starvation, and slave labour. Back in Canada, Mitsue and her family were expelled from their home by the government and forced to spend years eking out an existence in rural Alberta. A generation later, at a high school dance, Ralph’s daughter and Mitsue’s son fell in love and produced a grandson, Mark Sakamoto.
Flint and Feather: The Life and Times of E. Pauline Johnson, Tekahionwake, Charlotte Gray: Charlotte Gray explores the life of this nineteenth-century daughter of a Mohawk chief and English gentlewoman, creating a fascinating portrait of a young woman equally at home on the stage in her “Indian” costume and in the salons of the rich and powerful. Uncovering Pauline Johnson’s complex and dramatic personality, Flint & Feather is studded with triumph and tragedy, mystery and romance—a first-rate biography blending turn-of-the-century Canadian history and the vibrant story of a woman whose unforgettable voice still echoes through the years.
The Nature of the Beast, Louise Penny: Hardly a day goes by when nine-year-old Laurent Lepage doesn’t cry wolf. From alien invasions, to walking trees, to winged beasts in the woods, to dinosaurs spotted in the village of Three Pines, his tales are so extraordinary no one can possibly believe him. Including Armand and Reine-Marie Gamache, who now live in the little Quebec village. But when the boy disappears, the villagers are faced with the possibility that one of his tall tales might have been true. And so begins a frantic search for the boy and the truth. What they uncover deep in the forest sets off a sequence of events that leads to murder, an old crime and an old betrayal